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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Making Golf Less Affordable

Are you a golf course owner looking to bring more business to your struggling golf course? Do you not care much for this whole "golf should be environmentally friendly" thing, and do you think that instead of making a round more affordable, what you need is a wealthier, more exclusive clientele? Well, then I have some great news for you! The USGA just published a guide to making golf way more expensive, so that you too can appeal to the true elites of society. Success is virtually guaranteed! Who needs the common golfer, anyway? Certainly, not you, wise golf course owner. Because everyone knows that once you start inviting the masses in, you might become popular, and you don't want that, do you? Your golf course would be filled with paying customers, and that's just obscene right there.

On a non-sarcastic note: PLEASE WHY IS GOLF SO EXPENSIVE. And yes, I count anything more than $50 or $60 as expensive. I like golf but I can't pay that much money more than a couple times a year. Same goes for memberships. Right now I drive 25 minutes to play golf, because it was the only place within 20 miles that was even sort of affordable. I can't spend $3000 for a membership, I could barely afford what I did pay. I guess that's what I get for living in one of the wealthiest counties in the country.

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