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Most people who visit Cooperstown, New York, are going to see the National Baseball Hall of Fame. It is the obvious reason to visit the town...

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

And Now for Very Relevant and Practical Car News

Everyone stop the presses, Aston Martin has announced that they're making a hypercar to compete with the likes of the McLaren P1, the Porsche 918, and the LaFerrari (that's still a stupid name). Now, this isn't normally something I would be particularly concerned about, since I am not the sort of person who has the money to spend on a car that will probably have a seven figure price tag. But there is something noteworthy here. Aston Martin is a bit notorious for never changing the styling of their cars. It's a good look, but Aston Martins all basically look the same, and they have for many years. But this car, the Aston Martin AM-RB-001 (the RB stands for Red Bull, who is also participating in the project. They have an F1 team, it makes sense, trust me), looks different. Much different. We'll have to see how it looks when it actually gets built, but it is nice to see that Aston Martin does have a second style.